daisies adam got me for returning home ... i gave him a 1925 mandolin restored by my friend Jake! for his birthday which is Friday.
Regular posting should resume ... well, right now!
It's good to be home. Current projects include continuing to unpack boxes and organize the apartment, figuring out work-at-home spaces with less arguments (we really just need an antique table adam can use as a desk so he doesn't take over the coziness of the living room during work hours, which i like to think of as a more sacred space), painting rooms.
I was going to make a whole wheat raisin bread from scratch today but didn't realize I was out of active dry yeast. tomorrow, then, perhaps. I did make a lovely lentil-chickpea soup last night from 1,000 vegan recipes and threw some local collard greens in on top. We also had steamed edamame.
Research paper progress = nil but soon, soon.
We got a dog...a shelter beagle. He's a sweetie. His name is Chubbs, and he's two. He loves to go for walks. Tried a version of Heather's Unplugged Sunday yesterday and it was wonderful. Time feels different. We took the dog for a two-hour neighborhood stroll, discovering to our great delight a new organic farmstand in this food desert neighborhood, and a new coffeeshop! Also an abandoned home that we pictured ourselves in. I made brunch: fried local eggs, local potatoes with onions, mushrooms and herbs, and from-scratch waffles with vermont ginger-rhubarb jam and vermont maple syrup. also, local blackberries with some soy yogurt and honey.
It was a joy to go to the farmer's market on Saturday. I'm waiting on food processor parts as they got left behind when we moved, but until then I'm going to try the blender at making pesto. My time away made me miss strawberry and blueberry season this year, so I am bound and determined not to miss out on all this lovely basil!
I have lost five pounds on my diet so far. I bought a scale to track daily progress in a food log I'm writing. Cutting the portion sizes and eating purely vegan has helped! Well, with the occasional local egg. Guess that makes me ovo-veg, strict, huh?
I am nearly done with the shawl I've been working on for a few months now. It has more than a few little mistakes but it's for me so I've worked out the kinks for the one I want to make my grandma for christmas. Pictures will be posted when I've finished.
Next week I'm babysitting full-time, and need to start putting at least a Facebook page together for the business I'm hoping to start.
Good things abound, stay tuned!
love and light,
Sounds like everything is going well for you. Congrats on the weight loss, and for the new pup - hope you'll share a photo soon.