Sunday, February 3, 2013

doing what we can :: 3 February

Unfortunately, this is a bit of what our little abode is like right now ...

The flu has reared its ugly head at John and he's been on the couch now for two days completely unable to do much of anything. So, I went to the store and got what we needed and with a mixture of total rest, tons of liquid, aspirin, and a few natural remedies we are trying to get him back on his feet asap. So far, I've escaped a bullet .... this one's a nasty one, folks. Fever is no joke.

This week has good timing for my "working vacation." I did all I could not to schedule ANY appointments after school each day (there is an early one tomorrow), all I want to do is come take care of my home life, work out devotedly at the gym, knit, read, and head to bed at a reasonable hour each night. It's terrible having to wake up when it is still dark outside, it seems no matter how early you turn in in the winter time, the body just wants to hibernate until it is light, case in point I went to bed last night at 10:30 but did not fully wake up until 8 when the sun was streaming around the thermal block curtain liners. That's almost 10 hours .... hard to get on a weeknight unless you are disciplined. I think this is a good week to take it easy and "sweat it out" at the gym, don't you? Good timing. Yes. I like when that happens. 

I have a few pictures to share with you and in the spirit of keeping things simple, I'll keep this short so I can pick up some knitting for a bit. I promise to share finished projects with you! Don't bate your breath though, these humdingers will take a while. 

Enjoy your week and do remember to slow down and just "breathe" as necessary. It's a wonderful gift to give yourself! 

Blessings and light, 


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