Tuesday, January 27, 2009

my life, in picture.

So I kind of borrowed this idea from Heather over at Beauty that Moves. ... just because I've felt a little more like pictures lately than words. Of course, my pictures aren't nearly as nice ... but it kind of shows you what I've been up to lately ... which, of course, is settling back into life here in Louisville. In the two weeks I've been back, I've already met new people, gotten to know others better than before, cooked delicious food (Saag Aloo is my new favorite, I'll post the recipe sometime, and let me say i *love* my new food processor!), and had amazing yoga. Things are pretty good, though they will get busier. I've signed on to tutor one of my student's sisters twice a week, and I'm getting into the home party candle business. And Feb. and March will be spent largely on working on Montessori graduate work, i.e. creating albums which will be the guide to how my eventual classroom will be set up. Today was a snow day, as you will see from the pictures ...

... hope you all are well, and DOING in your life to make it simpler yet richer. much, much richer. and you all know i'm not talking money. i'm doing my best, and part of it might just mean blogging through pictures sometimes so I can have more time for my hands to be busy cooking (i spent FOUR delicious hours in the kitchen sunday!!), knitting, etc.

Saturday morning:

Saturday afternoon

Saturday night

Sunday morning

Sunday afternoon, late

Sunday evening (spy the saag aloo? mmmmm heaven in a bowl.)

Monday morning

Monday afternoon

Monday evening

Tuesday morning (snow day!!!)

Tuesday afternoon (as i publish this post)

and before i let you go, how can i forget that amazing day just past, January 20, 2009? need i say more? nah, let the pictures explain it.

what's cool about Louisville:

Unitarian Universalist celebration!(that's john gage to the far left, sarah, singing Woody Guthrie)

Waldorf and Montessori teachers for President Obama:

and kids, too!!




  1. looks so lovely! and the food.. delish! (i spy the Trader Joe's jam!!) you've really gotten into quite a vegetable-based diet, that's amazing! happy to hear that the Saag Aloo has been good to you..

    also amazing that places were closed for inauguration - i wish work had been! i'm also impressed with how many students i've heard *watched* the inauguration in their classrooms. just growing up with this obama-uplifting-historical experience alone might make them more apt to grow up to be civic-minded progressive adults.

    and thanks for pointing out John Gage! ..cool.

  2. I love you pictures, Karen! They really do tell so much about your days. It sounds like you've been busy - good and fun busy. And I love your pictures from inaguration day!

    What is saag aloo? I'm totally lost on this one!

  3. Hi Karen!
    Glad to hear from you again! I would love to hear the recipe for saag aloo. I have a few little things I wanted to mail to you, but I wanted to make sure you were back home first so I'll send them out soon. Looks like your knitting is really coming along from the picture. That's a pretty color yarn.

  4. just wanted to send some bloggish love your way. <3

    also, pretty knitting!! i can't wait to see the finished product.

    loved all the pictures.

