Sunday, March 22, 2009

Sunday, in pictures.

here's a pictorial of my sunday: i plan to be in bed by 10 tonight, reading my book Three Cups of Tea!

happy week, everyone <3

baked tofu before breakfast, made the apartment smell divine!

breakfast, YUM

mini "crafternoon" with friends ... pottery, painting, knitting and chasing after chooks ... and pasta salad with feta accompanied by ginger cookies. plans for mimosas were made for future.

one of my friend's chooks

afternoon walk in the park ... gorgeous day out

dinner, homemade spaghetti/mushroom/veg sausage sauce over udon noodles

millet/cauliflower mash with parsley, scallions and dill ... AMAZINGLY good with vegan butter melted in

and me ... just part of me <3 in my spring dress and vest.
