i did a 15-minute tidy after I ate. I actually set the oven timer on myself to make myself do it. i like to be tidy even when i'm feeling exhausted from a long day at school. this helps.
i'm not used to being on a schedule yet. it's very difficult to wake up in the morning, and get to bed at a reasonable hour at night. i did get almost seven and a half hours of sleep.
the children are wearing me out, but overall it's been a fun week. i still have a ton of material-making after school hours, which is not so fun. well, it is, just ... so very time-consuming. the beginning of the year is always stressful, and now that i'm head teacher and in charge of every little detail ... yikes! somehow, i'll get through. it's a lot, though. whew, boy, is it. A. LOT.
hoping to get some classroom fish this weekend.
make a pizza.
sew a little.
take a hike or picnic in the woods or park.
clean a few junky piles around here.
go to the state fair (this may be more realistic next week).
bake some bread and enjoy a communal dinner.
listen to my boyfriend's band play.
hear the first part of the bhagavad gita.
get groceries.
read more Crime and Punishment.
here are some pictures from my friend Bess and I's "pesto party" on Tuesday afternoon. We are going to have another one soon...she has tons of basil growing in her garden! I am jealous!
Soon, I'm off to my friend's garden plot he wants help with, and then on to a friend's house for a short while to see her photos from her recent trip to africa.
hope you're having a lovely winding-down to your week! i can see the horizon! :-)
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