and back home at last ....
a corner of the new apartment
This was going to be a long, detailed post, but time has gotten away from me this ONE week home in Louisville before heading off again!
This time, I'm headed east. To school for three and a half weeks, then on to a visit home in New England for two to three weeks.
Here is the latest news, then, in a nutshell.
I have been laid off my Montessori teaching position due to low enrollment. I am heartbroken over the children, but am trying to see this as an opportunity. Luckily, we still have Adam's salary and I'm still getting a paycheck for the next two months. So I can easily take August and maybe September completely OFF. I really need the break after all the stress of the past few months. I have some ideas ... some entrepreneurial, some as simple as working at the local Whole Foods and having time to sew. Adam will be in school full-time nights and working days so I'm really free to do whatever. I am actually looking at this as a time to hone up on my sewing skills, take banjo lessons, spend more time with Adam (he works from home days), and just rejuvenate myself and get my energy and spirit for teaching back.
I've spent this one week home doing some full-time babysitting (another option I'm looking into for the coming year, as well as subbing at area Montessori and Waldorf schools), and unpacking moving boxes so Adam feels settled into the place when I am gone. It was a long, hot, hard week, but most of it is done! I have my very own sewing/knitting/craft studio which is just *lovely* and I promise to take pictures when I return. We also have one upstairs room dedicated entirely to yoga, and off of that is what I call "the reading nook."
All we need is a couch and a longer eating table with extra chairs for having friends drop by for dinner. And a housewarming party!
So yes, after a sweet day of swimming at the lake, having a drink on the town, then spending ridiculous hours packing three weeks' worth of clothes into one North Face backpack (I'm now bringing two weeks' worth and wearing things twice, whatever there are thrift shops everywhere!!), then coloring my roots, then updating Blogger, I'm ready to crawl in and hit the hay with my sweetie for way too short a time.
When I get home, there are things to be done - putting farmer's market fruit by for the winter! painting kitchen cabinets! organizing boxes and books upstairs (the only space not unpacked yet)!
It will be good to rest.
In the meantime, I'm looking forward to finishing up school and visiting New England for several weeks (hoping to meet you, Heather!).
Sorry there isn't much time to say more right now. I love you all and am getting to your blogs when time allows.
Love and light,
I love your rich plans! So many options during this time of openness and summer harvesting!! I love the photos and can't wait to see more from your trip! Especially our famous sepia-tinged "vintage" portraits! Travel light & hopefully! Say hello to our lovely friends in CT and the shoreline for me!! Love!