Thursday, March 20, 2008

do-able ...


stop buying crap

stop watching/reading advertisements

buy a new computer (majorly good investment, as the Internet to me is an important interactive tool, albeit not one that should completely take over life....which it can, and will do, if you do not get control over the habit ... )

get better at practical life activities: knitting, sewing, cooking, walking around the parks and woods, taking time for tea, enjoying being HOME.

invest in a bread machine.

let's go back to the first one for a minute: stop buying crap. this one is going to be hard as hell, because even for someone who enjoys buying local kitsch and from thrift and used bookstores, i tend to go overboard sometimes. it's easy to do, even in the confines mainly of what i call the "organic" world. i am taken in by fancy claims and packaging, even here. it doesn't happen often, but i'm not going to lie and say i'm not attracted by shiny things.

in her blog, rhonda touches on some excellent points, especially for people wishing to live a life similar to hers but not sure how to take the plunge from our consumerist brainwashed selves. here are my favorites, condensed:

*it's going to hurt to stop buying books, but Stop Buying Them. Really begin to utilize your public library, not only for books but for manuals, CDs and DVDs (rather than paying for something like Netflix, wow, not as "convenient" but easy way to cut bucks quick), as well (one thing I learned was to copy music into your ITunes!). Once or twice a year, shop the library booksales.

*learn to enjoy household chores as a never-ending stream of work to be done. once you stop seeing it as an end, you begin to enjoy the means. you stop hurrying to get it done, and you begin doing things more slowly and mindfully. perhaps these acts become meditation time in themselves. reclaim the kitchen, ladies, it's OK!

I've sure listed a lot of near-future goals here, but the biggest one for me right now is to stop. buying. crap. and that is also what she suggests doing first. making a budget, not buying crap. i think i do a pretty damned good job of that now, but she's saying for a while, and it will feel forced, don't even give yourself the occasional "treat." i.e. of a cup of coffee out with friends, etc. this is where she says you may have some explaining to do ... gosh, and i'd wager it to be a bit lonely at first ... but isn't the end result (read numerous blog entries about she and her husband's incredible "ordinary life) worth it? she seems to be proof that this CAN be done ...

i dunno. just read her blog, and be inspired to start your own. i did it, and so can you.

stay tuned for more posts to come. i am so excited and hope i can keep up with this.



  1. Definitely rewarding goals! Jake and I actually had a long discussion last night about the "stop buying crap" thing. I see it as one of the downfalls of our culture if we don't stop and realize what producing all this extra crap is doing to our planet and to our lives and how many mass produced things are made under crappy, near slave working conditions. That was one of my drives to really get into making crafts. I also think all the crap people buy in malls and department stores divorces them from the joy of making some of these things for themselves... using our creativity and hands to do things for ourselves is truly rewarding. Jake and I are also looking forward to learning to garden this year. It's the first time we've had a bit of land to work with. I'm so excited for this! Good luck with your new blog and goals! We actually have a new blog we're setting up on blog spot for The Wildwood Flower, so I'll let you know when that's up and going!

  2. One thing I find *really* helpful about not buying crap is keeping a wishlist of things I see either in a store or online that I really want to buy...but I find that I myself usually impulse buy because I'm afraid (afraid!) I'll FORGET that I wanted the thing, and lose out on it. So it really helps me to be like "hmm, I am really interested in buying that...I'll write it down." That way I have many options - I can go online & try to find one used or cheaper, or I can let it kind of stew for a while & then realize I don't REALLY want it. :)

    Granted, I'm definitely not the best at this!!! But I am definitely trying, and I find it helps me a lot.

    LOVE this new blog!!!!! I can't wait to see what else you have to share. I am sure I'll be commenting lots, as I believe we're very like-minded in this vein especially....


  3. I do have to admit, though, I really DO like Netflix (or Netflix-like) services, because they have a much wider range of selection, and they DO keep people from purchasing new. I love that it's like an uber-library when it comes to DVDs. But she makes a good point that the library (especially city libraries) really can have excellent stock. I guess it depends on how good you are at choosing a movie at random rather than having one in mind... :)


  4. ok so it might be a bit dated (1997), but you should check out Affluenza, which you could watch for free on Youtube. I've only just started it last night, but it speaks to a lot of the anxiety, consumerism, and keep-up-with-the-joneses' attitudes that we have had to conciously reformat our lives to resist.

  5. Those are fun movies - also a good book! Definitely they make you stop & think. And there are some wonderful examples of people leading inspiring, counter-consumer lives that you can glean ideas from or try to emulate. :)

